Daniel Moulis highlighted the growing familiarity of China as a place for Australians to do business in his address to the ACBC Export Forum at Sofitel Sydney on 15 July 2015. At the same time, he pointed out that it would be a mistake to assume too much, and that gaining a full understanding of both the legal niceties of the deal and your prospective business partners was of critical importance.

The one-day event was attended by representatives of companies active in Australia-China business. Presenters from organisations like Alibaba, ANZ, Austrade, Citrus Australia, Export Council of Australia, Cassegrain Wines, Nihao Global and Think Global gave their practical insights into trade with Australia’s biggest trade partner.

On ChAFTA, Daniel reflected on the great result that has been achieved in terms of reduced tariff rates, better services access, and the liberalisation of the movement of workers between the two countries. But he warned against complacency, saying:

ChAFTA will improve competitiveness, but it does not remove the need for caution in terms of your business planning and in dealing with regulatory obstacles.

Moulis Legal is active in helping both Australian and Chinese companies in their trade and investment between the two countries. For more information, please contact Daniel Moulis or Charles Zhan on +61 2 6163 1000 ( and