1 July 2020

Moulis Legal is pleased to announce the appointment of Charles Zhan as Partner in the firm, effective 1 July 2020.

Joining Moulis Legal’s Founder, Daniel Moulis, and Partner Director, Shaun Creighton, Charles will continue working on international regulatory and commercial law matters, with a focus on trade defence and cross-border transactions.

“Moulis Legal and our lawyers have an exceptional reputation, locally and internationally, for being trusted advisers in complex trade, investment and commercial matters. Our clients span the business world, and we are also uniquely positioned in our China business expertise,” Mr Zhan said. “Having spent most of my career at Moulis Legal and with our world-recognised international trade law team, I’m very proud to become a Partner of the firm I love.”

Charles joined Moulis Legal in 2011 as an Australian and Chinese dual-qualified graduate lawyer. As well as his promotion to partnership, he will now lead the firm’s China Business Desk, which focusses the firm’s energies in the service of clients involved in Australia-China trade, investment and disputation. The China Business Desk unifies the firm’s deep understanding of the complex commercial, cultural and policy interplay that impacts on business between these major trading partners.

Charles exemplifies Moulis Legal’s credibility in working with both Chinese and Australian clients in two-way business links between the countries. He is a highly-ranked legal adviser (Chambers and Partners) and a key lawyer in the multi-award winning international trade law team at Moulis Legal. Charles also takes an active role in Australia’s key China trade NGO, as vice-president of the ACT Division of the Australia China Business Council.

Commenting on the appointment, Daniel Moulis said:

“This is a great moment for all of us at Moulis Legal. Publicly, Charles’ legal skills are admired, and our clients regularly have good reason to celebrate his outstanding problem-solving skills. What is less well-known, and what we as a team are privileged to enjoy each and every day, are his human qualities, as a dedicated father, a mentor to our young lawyers, and a sage tactician. To be the best in any profession it is important to be a champion for good, to understand diversity, to be respectful in your interactions with all stakeholders, and to lead with compassion. Charles has all of these qualities. He is a friend to all of us, and quickly becomes a friend of those he serves. Welcoming Charles to the partnership, and continuing to share his journey and the firm’s journey with him, is an absolute delight.”
“In our young 15 year history Moulis Legal has been privileged to advise national and international clients, private and public sector, in the kinds of matters that you read about on the front and back pages of the national dailies, and on most of the pages in between. With Charles as our newest Partner and Head of our China Business Desk, we are well-positioned to assist our clients to cope with and to profit from the dynamic changes now taking place in world business affairs,” Mr Moulis concluded.


About Moulis Legal

Moulis Legal is a progressive Australia-based legal business handling commercial and international matters, from offices in Canberra, Melbourne, and Brisbane. The firm is driven by the outstanding talent and energy of its lawyers, and is highly ranked by respected peer-review agencies such as Chambers & PartnersWho’s Who Legal and Best Lawyers.

Moulis Legal prides itself on being client-centric, fully committed, focused on success, and service driven. Its specialised focus areas include international trade and investment, energy and resources, intellectual property, government procurement, property acquisition, and major commercial projects.

Moulis Legal lawyers have substantial experience working on transactions and investigations throughout Europe, the US and Asia, and special knowledge and experience of business and investment between Australia and China, spanning both cultures and their legal systems.

Moulis Legal is also a member of the Australian Government’s legal services panel in the areas of contract law, intellectual property, and information and communications technology.