7 October 2016

The partners of Moulis Legal – Daniel Moulis, Shaun Creighton and Christopher Hewitt – are pleased to announce the transition of the firm to a new corporate structure. From 1 October 2016, our business will operate as an incorporated legal practice.

What’s changed? On the surface, not too much at all – we are still commercial+international, as client-centric as ever, fully committed, focused on success, and service-driven. Our focus on high level commercial, property, trade and litigation services remains unchanged. It’s still Moulis Legal. Same name, same places, and with all the familiar faces still on deck.

Our growth has been significant, and is continuing. We now have newly-added expertise in areas like intellectual property, information technology, government procurement, SMEs and sports law. We welcome our new staff members – Shaun Creighton, Patrick Polis, Parissa Tosif – and look forward to introducing them to you. Our new business model provides greater opportunities for diversity, and better incentives for our employees.

Our professional journey continues – we look forward to sharing it with you.

For our valued clients, this notification also constitutes formal advice that from 1 October 2016 it is intended that your legal services will be provided by Moulis Legal Pty Limited ACN 614 584 539, rather than by the previous sole-trader entity. If you have any question or concerns about this, please do not hesitate to contact the responsible lawyer on your matters for clarification. In the absence of your objection, the giving of instructions to Moulis Legal Pty Limited and the performance of services by Moulis Legal Pty Limited on your matters will constitute agreement to a novation of your existing terms of engagement in favour of Moulis Legal Pty Limited.

Specific advice will be provided at a later date about any changes to invoicing or other administrative matters.