Working at Moulis Legal has been a joyful
journey. It certainly made me learn to both
practice and enjoy law.
Moulis Legal has been like a home to me, it’s the place I’ve spent the longest during my career and there’s a lot of emotional attachment. Not only because I have seen it grow as an organisation – it’s been the founding stone of my own development – but also because it has been a joyful journey. It certainly made me learn to both practice and enjoy law.
It offers exciting opportunities to do some pretty cool stuff, both in the international and commercial sphere.
For me, I think it’s a very supportive environment. There is also a clear drive for excellence and being competitive, whilst being nice about it.
The cool things that we do? Everyone has their own take on what attracts them to a workplace. I think Moulis Legal’s ability to be nimble, boutique and friendly yet with a great professional reputation are the biggest attraction.
I think, through conversation with other lawyers, that Moulis Legal’s very collegial, friendly, and trusting culture as a firm is also quite unique in comparison to many other firms big or small.